
Project results presented internationally

On July 20-21, 2021, IMAGinE partners Autobahn des Bundes, Bosch, Continental and Opel met at the TRIWO test site in Pferdsfeld for an integration workshop. The goals of the meeting were to test basic functionalities and to perfom driving tests.

The first step was to test the basic functionality. This includes the communication module waveBEE, the cooperative environment model and the software for cooperative maneuver planning, including the message formats Collective Perception Message (CPM) and Maneuver Coordination Message (MCM). Minor errors could be identified and corrected and good results have already been achieved. The cooperative maneuver planning was put into operation for the IMAGinE functions F1 (Cooperative merging on highways) and F5 (Cooperative turning at junctions). Both functions could be driven automatically and displayed in simulation.

Further driving tests of the two functions served to prepare the subsequent evaluation. Suitable areas on the test site and driving scenarios were defined for this purpose. In addition, the interaction of the vehicles involved in the driving scenarios was tested several times. The IMAGinE functions are to be demonstrated to a larger audience next year as part of the final event.