
Module for cooperative maneuver planning executable

On November 25th and 26th, 2020, another integration workshop took place at the IMAGinE partner Hessen Mobil’s DRIVE Center in Frankfurt/Main, in order to gradually integrate individual functionalities into the test vehicles and test them across partners.

Extensive tests were scheduled for the sixth integration workshop. First, tests and optimization work were carried out on the cooperative environmental model and its visualization. The next step was an examination of the extended signal chain. This includes the communication module waveBEE, the cooperative environmental model and the software developed to date for cooperative maneuver planning, including the message formats Collective Perception Message (CPM) and Maneuver Coordination Message (MCM) as well as trajectories. The trajectories were tested with a larger group of partners with regard to plausibility, usability for the cooperative maneuver planning and transferability through the communication module. As a result, the module for cooperative maneuver planning was made runnable in all test vehicles and own trajectories could be displayed in the visualization.

Furthermore, tests were carried out in the workshop under realistic driving constellations and scenarios in order to further evaluate the functionality of the cooperative module and the cooperative environmental model.

The joint workshop was organized by sub-project 4 (system and vehicle integration). Thanks to the good preparation of all IMAGinE partners involved, the workshop could be carried out successfully despite the difficult conditions and restrictions due to the Corona pandemic. The partners were very satisfied with the workshop results and will incorporate the knowledge gained in further work.